Why Dietitians are Nuts for Nuts 

Why Dietitians are Nuts for Nuts 

Written & provided by: Registered Dietitians Team by ShoppersTM


I’ll be the first to admit that keeping up with food trends and knowing what to eat can be overwhelming! New products and trendy flavors sure do keep things interesting, and our palates pleased – but don't forget about old classics that have been kicking it in our kitchens for years.

Sure, it’s fun to “get in with the new”, but there’s no need to get “out with the old” just yet – for example, nuts deserve some attention.

So why is there so much hype around plant-based eating? Simply put, there are environmental, animal rights, and health benefits to eating in a more plant-based way and it can also be cost effective! Eating fewer animal products (meat and dairy) is associated with reduced greenhouse gas emissions, land use, and water use1. Eating more plant-based foods is also associated with reduced cholesterol and blood sugar levels as well as a lower risk of heart disease and cancer.


Nuts Health Benefits:

Research shows that nuts have many health benefits that are worth considering.

First of all, nuts can help maintain heart health and prevent high blood pressure. Nuts gain a lot of their heart health qualities due to the mono and poly unsaturated fats they contain. Unsaturated fat helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol. Sources of monounsaturated fats include almonds, pecans, hazelnuts, and peanuts, while walnuts are a source of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fat. Walnuts have the added benefit of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are also good for your heart.

In addition, nuts may protect against some cancers and improve bowel health. This is due to unsaturated fat, fibre, protein and antioxidant content - talk about a powerhouse of nutrients! Nuts will also make you feel full, making them very useful to eat when managing weight.


Source of plant-based protein:

Nuts are a great source of plant-based protein, and do not need to be refrigerated. This makes them so easy to eat on the go!

Since we should aim to include a source of protein at all meals and snacks, try to have a serving of nuts ready when hunger strikes – in a purse, the dash of the car, a work locker or desk. This keeps snacks balanced and keeps you ahead of hunger, a nutrition “win-win”.


Portion control is key to nutty success:

Since nuts are dense in healthy fats and calories, try to keep your serving to no more than a quarter cup (a small handful) per day, or two tablespoons for nut butters. Also – not all nuts are created equal. Make sure to buy plain, unsalted nuts that are raw or dry-roasted. This will help you avoid the extra salt or sugar that oil-roasted, salted, spiced and sugared nuts contain.


Nuts are so versatile:

You can get creative with them or simply add them to what you’re already eating!

Try sprinkling nuts onto your cereal in the morning, adding them to salads for a tasty crunch at lunch, topping pasta dishes or mixing them into soups and stews. If you get tired of the texture of nuts, try blending them into ground nut flours, which are popular in vegetarian baking, or add nut butters to smoothies or rice cakes for easy, balanced snacking.


Food and nutrition play an important role in not just our physical health but our social and mental health as well. Reach out to one of our dietitians for a free 15 minute chat by going to https://www.dietitianservices.ca/



The information presented in this blog post is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on any information on this post as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for professional counseling care. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.

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